Activate your Account
If you have received your activation key, please enter the following details and click the Continue button to continue with your registration. if you don’t have an activation key or your activation key has expired then you will need to request a new activation key
Help with Activating
Using Internet Explorer
Not all elements of My Wiltshire Pension are supported by Internet Explorer. If you are using this web browser please try using an alternative browser e.g. Microsoft Edge
Your Activation Code
Your activation code is case sensitive. Please ensure the code you entered exactly matches the code on your activation email or letter
Green Ticks
Please ensure that all data entries have a green tick mark next to them
Email Address
When inputting your email address, please type it in separately each time. If your email address is copied and pasted this can lead to an error
Please ensure your password contains 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, 1 number, 1 special character, and is at least 8 characters long
Date of Birth
Please add your date of birth using the calendar button next to the Date of Birth entry field. Typing in your date of birth can sometimes lead to an error
Your Activation Code
Green Ticks
Email Address
Date of Birth